Motivational quotes

45+ Encouraging Quotes to Inspire You

Everyone needs a dose of motivation and positivity. These encouraging quotes are your personal cheerleader, urging you to embrace positivity and resilience along life's tumultuous journey.

March 7, 2024
4 min

Encouraging Quotes for an Abundance of Positivity

The power of positive affirmations and uplifting quotes can make a significant difference in your mindset and outlook on life. This uplifting collection of encouraging words is designed to remind you that no matter the obstacles, you have the strength to overcome them. Let these empowering words inspire you to stay resilient, focus on your goals, and walk your path with positivity and confidence in yourself.

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1. “If you think you can, you will.”

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2. “Positivity matters.”

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3. “No matter what happens, you are strong enough to handle it.”

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4. “Small victories add up to big accomplishments. Celebrate every win!”

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5. “You might not get where you want all at once. But you'll get just where you need to be, a little bit at a time.”

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6. “Do what they think you can't do and prove them wrong.”

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7. “You are so close to achieving your goals, don't lose sight of them now.”

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8. “You make the world a better place simply by existing. You are appreciated!”

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9. “Your best is yours, you don't have to measure it based on the values of others.”

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10. “Failure is not an option. Keep going!”

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11. “Say yes. You'll figure it out afterward.”

Tina Fey

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12. “Some people bring sunshine with them wherever they go. You're one of them.”

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13. “You're on the right path and you're getting close to your dream destination. Keep moving!”

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14. “Life isn't a dress rehearsal. This is your moment to shine like the star you are.”

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15. “There will be haters, there will be doubters, there will be non-believers, and then there will be you, proving them wrong.”

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16. “Take a look in the mirror. Despite everything, you're still smiling, still standing.”

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17. “Live well. Be happy. Let the past fade away.”

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18. “You get stronger every day.”

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19. “Don't dream your life, live your dream.”

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20. “Keep the faith, hold on. Things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever.”

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21. “The greatest dreams require the biggest courage. Be brave, and go after what you desire.”

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22. “Always remember: good things take time.”

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23. “Never quit.”

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24. “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. ”

J.R.R. Tolkien

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25. “You have everything you need to turn your vision into your reality.”

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26. “Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.”

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27. “Know that deep inside, you are resilient, brave and so much stronger and more powerful than your fears.”

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28. “Unfold your wings and trust in your ability to soar to new heights.”

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29. “You got this. I'm sure of it.”

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30. “Be legendary.”

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31. “You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now.”

Joan Baez

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32. “When you want to give up, remember why you started.”

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33. “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart.”

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34. “Keep it fun.”

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35. “You've already done so much, you've got this, too. Have faith in yourself.”

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36. “You have the power to manifest your blessings. Believe in yourself.”

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37. “Your actions are the bridge connecting where you are and where you want to be.”

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38. “You have the option and the power to create a discourse of positivity.”

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39. “Take your dreams seriously.”

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40. “The best cure for sadness is to let yourself see all of the blessings around you.”

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41. “You are strong enough to start again.”

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42. “If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

Roald Dahl

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43. “It all starts with your mind. When you think you can, you will.”

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44. “Don't stress. You got this!”

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45. “What is the definition of faith? To trust the power of your dreams and desires even though they have yet to be realized.”

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46. “You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.”

Take charge of your day with daily encouraging quotes. For more inspiration and motivation, download the Motivation App here. Keep the positivity flowing and remember, you have the power to create the life you desire. Stay positive, and never lose sight of your dreams!

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