Motivational quotes

50+ Quotes about Uncertainty

Explore a selection of motivational quotes about uncertainty designed to encourage you to welcome the unknown and discover resilience amidst life's unpredictable moments.

March 6, 2024
4 min

Embracing Uncertainty: Quotes to Inspire You

In a world filled with unpredictability and change, it's essential to find solace in the face of uncertainty. The collection of quotes about uncertainty presented here serves as a reminder that embracing the unknown can lead to growth and resilience. Let these empowering words guide you through moments of doubt and fear, empowering you to navigate the uncertainties of life with courage and grace.

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1. “Don't be afraid to take an unfamiliar path. Sometimes they're the ones that take you to the best places.”

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2. “Breakthroughs often follow breakdowns. Just when you think it's not working, you'll find yourself incredibly close to your goal.”

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3. “You are capable of the things you admire others for.”

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4. “Your life can be filled with precious moments; you just have to let it.”

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5. “The Universe has the most beautiful plans for you. Trust in them.”

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6. “Being at ease with not knowing is crucial for answers to come to you.”

Eckhart Tolle

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7. “Decisions are the endless uncertainties of life that we'll not know if they're right until the very end, so do the best you can and hope it's right.”

Lily Collins

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8. “Don't be hard on yourself. It's okay to have a moment of uncertainty about life. It's a transformative period to find your purpose.”

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9. “The very essence of romance is uncertainty.”

Oscar Wilde

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10. “The worst thing you could do is to waste the possibility of the current moment by spending it wishing for a future moment.”

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11. “The past can only be found in our memories. The future is found in our worries and dreams. It is only the present moment that is both certain and real.”

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12. “Uncertainty within thyself may lead to vigorous destruction in your life.”

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13. “It's okay to change your mind, change your career, change your path.”

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14. “Your thoughts create your reality. If you want a positive life, fill your mind with positive thoughts.”

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15. “It's always possible to find a reason to be positive. Some days you just have to search a little harder.”

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16. “You may not always know what tomorrow brings. But you can always bring positivity into tomorrow.”

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17. “Uncertainty is the worst of all evils until the moment when reality makes us regret uncertainty.”

Alphonse Karr

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18. “There is strange comfort in knowing that no matter what happens today, the sun will rise again tomorrow.”

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19. “Believe in yourself and you'll be okay with not knowing the outcome.”

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20. “Take responsibility for your thoughts and words. Keep them light, loving, and full of hope.”

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21. “When you see the magic in not knowing, you'll free yourself from the worries of uncertainty.”

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22. “Yesterday is now gone. Find comfort in knowing that today will pass, too.”

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23. “Intuition is valuable, let it lead you.”

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24. “Faith is seeing the uncertainty ahead and walking forwards, regardless.”

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25. “It's okay if you don't feel confident enough to take the next step. Taking the next step will bring you confidence.”

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26. “Even now, the Universe is filling those uncertain moments with unexpected pleasures.”

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27. “Life without goals is like flying a plane not knowing where you want to land. The purpose of life is to know where we want to go and then go there.”

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28. “To become mindful of the present is to become dignified and free.”

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29. “You're here to create a positive life experience. Let your intuition guide you every step of the way.”

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30. “Never take anything for granted because sooner or later the wheel turns.”

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31. “Uncertainty is one of life's most beautiful mysteries.”

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32. “When you make room for the unknown, you make room for miracles.”

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33. “If you give too much value to the pain of the past and uncertainty of the future, you will waste the power of today.”

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34. “You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now.”

Joan Baez

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35. “Life may take you to where you least expect it, but have faith that you are exactly where you need to be.”

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36. “It's okay if the life you're living doesn't always match the life in your head. You're allowed to evolve in all the ways you want.”

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37. “Times are weird. Focus on what you can control.”

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38. “Having all the questions can be just as valuable as having all the answers.”

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39. “There's possibility in your uncertainty about what will come from your interactions with others.”

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40. “Allowing the journey to be the destination gives the things that drive your anxieties the chance to become the things that excite you.”

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41. “Don't call it uncertainty call it to wonder. Don't call it insecurity call it freedom.”


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42. “Stop trying to control the results. Let whatever comes, come.”

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43. “You don't have to know where you're going to end up somewhere amazing.”

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44. “When starting over seems scary, focus on the outcome you're working towards.”

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45. “Put on your sunglasses - the future is sunny in all its uncertain glory.”

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46. “You might make the wrong decision, but you'll likely get another chance.”

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47. “Be okay with not knowing for sure what might come next, but know that whatever it is, you will be okay.”

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48. “Do something physical. Focus on your body instead of your mind.”

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49. “You don't have to be 100% sure about everything.”

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50. “Unpredictability adds flavor to your life.”

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51. “The Universe has already given you all the courage you need to face uncertainty.”

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52. “Don't let your fears trick you into living an ordinary life.”

Embrace the beauty of uncertainty and let these empowering quotes about uncertainty from the Motivation App guide you towards a more positive and fulfilling life. Find daily inspiration and motivation to conquer your fears and embrace the unknown journey ahead. Download the Motivation App now at and start your journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

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