Motivation 101

A Month of Inspiring Gratitude Prompts

Gratitude can, and will, change your life. In fact, recent studies show that a consistent gratitude practice can shift your mindset, increase your positivity, and boost your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. One of the simplest and most powerful gratitude tools is journaling. For the next month, choose one of these gratitude prompts each day and open your heart to the joy, beauty, and inspiration that surrounds you.

January 4, 2024
7 min

31 days of gratitude prompts

Are you ready to embark on your month-long gratitude journey?

Let these gratitude prompts inspire you to reflect on yourself, your life, and the many reasons you have to feel incredibly grateful.

1. What help are you grateful to have received?

This prompt will help you notice and appreciate the big—and little—things the people around you do to make your world better. 

2. How have you grown this year that you're grateful for?

Growth, even though it can be painful, is a necessary part of life. Reflect on how you’ve grown, evolved, and developed over the past year.

3. What about your body are you grateful for?

From hugging your loved ones to walking along the beach at sunset, many of your favorite activities are only possible because of what your body can do for you. Use this prompt to feel the body love!

4. What book are you thankful for?

Books have the power to change your life completely. What book has inspired you, entertained you, given you a new perspective, or helped you become the best version of yourself? 

5. What childhood memory are you grateful to have?

Happy childhood memories can bring you comfort and joy. Unhappy childhood memories can be the catalyst for self-improvement. Both can bring you reasons to be grateful. 

6. What do you appreciate most about your friend group?

Friends make your life better in so many ways: they support you, laugh with you, help you through tough times. What, specifically, are you most grateful for?

7. What do you appreciate most about your job?

Does your job offer personal growth? Does it help you meet financial and other life goals? Does it offer you the flexibility to spend more time with loved ones? 

8. Which of your coworkers do you appreciate, and why?

If you work a full-time job, you likely spend close to 40 hours per week interacting with your co-workers. It’s time to be grateful for those who have a positive impact on such a huge chunk of your week. 

9. Who in your life are you thankful for today?

Take time to reflect on the people who go out of their way to make today a better day. 

10. What teacher or mentor are you grateful for?

Throughout your life, you’ll find people who invest their time and energy into helping you learn and improve. Think back to the ones who helped shape your mind, perspective, or passions. 

11. What is a sight you're thankful to see?

Your five senses can bring you so much joy. Whether it’s seeing your loved ones, viewing the wonders of a new city, or reading your favorite poem, use this prompt to be grateful for what your eyesight brings you.

12. What place are you grateful for having been to, and why?

Your childhood home. Your favorite vacation spot. The gym after a tough day at work. The world is full of places that make life a little better. 

13. What healthy habit are you thankful to have established?

Self-care is the start of self-love. Think back on the big and little things you’ve started doing to live a healthier life. 

14. What emotion are you thankful for feeling today?

As you recall your day, think of the emotions you felt and how you reacted to them. Even the emotions typically categorized as “negative” can be a good thing when you use them to motivate your self-development. 

15. What everyday object are you thankful for?

Gratitude prompts often focus on special events and extraordinary circumstances. But the truth is, some of the most ordinary, everyday objects are also some of the most indispensable. 

16. What do you appreciate being able to do in your free time?

What do you choose to do, when you have time to do your own thing? Think of the activities and hobbies that bring you happiness. 

17. Which family members are you grateful for, and why?

Think about the amazing people you’re related to, and you’ll likely find quite a few family members who are deserving of your appreciation. 

18. What life-changing experience are you thankful for?

Positive or negative, there are experiences that will set you on a new journey in life. Be grateful for the ones that have brought you to where you are today as well as for the ones that are taking you even further. 

19. What experience from your school days are you grateful for?

Your years in school helped develop your mind and character. You may have found your calling, made excellent friends, or connected with an inspiring mentor.

20. What part of your morning routine are you thankful for?

Your morning routine can help set a peaceful, positive tone for the rest of your day. Which elements are you thankful for?

21. What upcoming event are you grateful to have on your calendar?

Be grateful for the wonderful events that are coming up in your life! Look at your upcoming schedule and be thankful for the people who invite you to share in their special events, occasions, and celebrations. 

22. What piece of art are you grateful to have experienced, and why?

Art, in all its forms, brings beauty to the world. From a Christmas concert to a priceless sculpture, you can appreciate the joy it brought to you.

23. What is a scent you're thankful for?

Research shows that scent is the most powerful trigger for emotions and memories. Which scents bring you comfort, happiness, and beautiful memories?

24. What shift in mindset are you grateful to see in yourself?

Gratitude starts from within. Look inside yourself and allow yourself to be grateful for the ways in which you’ve opened your mind to new ideas, new perspectives, and new outlooks.

25. What tradition are you thankful to celebrate?

Celebrations and traditions, new or handed down, can bring identity and unity. Be grateful for the opportunity to share your heritage and culture in ways that are meaningful to you.

26. What talent are you thankful to have been born with, and why?

Everyone has special talents, evident from the time of birth. Whether they develop into a career, hobby, or passion, your unique skills are something to be proud of and grateful for. 

27. What modern convenience are you most grateful for?

The conveniences of the modern world are not to be taken lightly. Be especially appreciative of the ones that make your day easier and your life better.

28. What are you grateful for that happened in your day?

Take a few minutes to look back over your day. What are some of the moments that filled you with gratitude? 

29. What change in your life are you thankful for?

Life is constantly changing. Think back at how your life has evolved and transformed, and be grateful for the changes that happened for the better.  

30. What do you do at home that you're grateful for?

Your home is your sanctuary. The things you do there can help you feel soothed, happy, and ready to face the rest of the world. 

31. What act of love are you grateful for?

Let’s end the month reflecting on the love you can find in your life. What acts of love have you experienced recently? What acts of love have you committed? 

Love truly makes the world go around, and it’s a wonderful way to finish your month of gratitude! 

Final Notes

Congratulations! You’ve completed an entire month of gratitude. 

But if you didn’t finish all the gratitude prompts, or took longer than a month, that’s okay. Just keep expressing your gratitude daily, and you’ll see the positive mental and emotional benefits of your consistency. 

You can also find more gratitude prompts and motivational quotes to nurture your gratitude in the Motivation app. Download today and start scrolling for your daily dose of gratefulness, positivity, and inspiration.

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