Motivational quotes

Bring on Happiness: Friday Quotes

End the week with positivity! These Friday quotes will help you set the right tone for your weekend, one filled with joy, peace, and inspiration.

May 23, 2024
3 min

Friday Quotes: End Your Week With Joy

As the golden child of the weekdays and the superhero of the workweek, Fridays hold the promise of relaxation and joy. Embrace the positive vibes and inspiring motivation from these quotes to make your Friday truly fabulous and set the tone for a fantastic weekend ahead.

Friday quotes to end the week right:

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1. “From sunlight to moonlight, fill your Friday with peace, love, and grace.”

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2. “Fridays are made for dreaming bigger.”

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3. “Happy Friday! Take time to appreciate your progress. You've come so far.”

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4. “Friday afternoon sees the highest number of smiles at the office.”

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6. “Music always sounds better on Friday.”

Lou Brutus

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7. “Your life is your playground. If you make it fun, every weekday will feel as exciting as a Friday.”

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8. “Great food, great wine, great friends, great Friday.”

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9. “Friday vibe: turn up music and sing along!”

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10. “Relax, it's Friday! Your weekend is right around the corner.”

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11. “When Friday comes along, you know it's time to celebrate another successful week.”

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12. “Happy Friday, workweek survivors! Enjoy your weekend.”

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13. “Go out and follow your heart. Happy Friday!”

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14. “Fridays aren't meant to be mediocre, they're meant to be fabulous!”

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15. “Friday is the day to let who you're becoming say good-bye to who you were.”

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16. “I don't work on Fridays, I make appearances.”

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17. “What makes you truly happy? Make time for that this Friday.”

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18. “Wishing you a Friday filled with great friends, delicious food, and happy times.”

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19. “Take back your own happiness. You're the only one who gets to decide how awesome your Friday will be.”

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20. “Friday? You mean Fri-YAY!”

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21. “Coffee in hand, sparkle in my eye, smile on my face yep, it's Friday.”

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22. “Happy Friday! Keep your heart and your mind open to the endless possibilities that the end of the week will bring.”

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23. “Here's to a Friday night filled with moonlight and magic.”

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24. “The only way Friday could be better is if there were two of them!”

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25. “Your goal for Friday: finish what you started on Monday.”

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26. “Friday is for LIFE: Laughter, Inspiration, Fun, and Enjoyment.”

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27. “Friday afternoon, the longest hours of the workweek but when the least amount of work actually gets done!”

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28. “Happy Friday! Do something today that makes your eyes sparkle and your soul shine.”

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29. “If you can't run toward your goal this Friday, take baby steps. Forward motion is forward motion, no matter the speed.”

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30. “Happy Friday you beautiful human.”

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31. “It's Friday, time to rock out to the amazing, strong rebel you've become.”

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32. “Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my coworkers with a keyboard.”


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33. “A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.”

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34. “It's Friday… the perfect day to shine your own unique light and show everyone just how amazing you are!”

Embrace the power of positivity and motivation with these empowering quotes about Fridays.

Start your weekend on the right note by downloading the Motivation app and keeping these uplifting reminders close at hand. Let every Friday be a reminder of the joy and potential each day holds.

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