Motivational quotes

Powerful, Inspiring Quotes about Overcoming Adversity

Stay motivated and inspired with this collection of powerful quotes about overcoming adversity. Feel energized and empowered to conquer life's challenges with these uplifting words!

September 13, 2024
4 min

Inspiring Quotes about Overcoming Adversity

In the journey of life, facing and conquering obstacles is inevitable. The ability to overcome adversity defines our strength and resilience.

Let these quotes about overcoming adversity serve as your guiding light, reminding you that challenges are stepping stones to growth and success.

And remember: you've got this!

Top quotes about overcoming adversity:

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1. “Challenges don't stop your growth. On the contrary, they help you bloom.”

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2. “Your greatest struggles will be your greatest lessons.”

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3. “Stay positive and strong, even when it feels like everything in your life is falling apart. Your efforts will soon be rewarded.”

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4. “There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.”

Michael Phelps

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5. “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.”


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6. “Be thankful for the obstacles in your road. The road may lead you forward, but the obstacles teach you how to climb.”

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7. “You are resilient, and that makes you unstoppable in the face of adversity.”

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8. “Stay positive, even when it's hard.”

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9. “Obstacles are challenges for winners and excuses for losers.”

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10. “Never be afraid to start over again. New beginnings sometimes bring the best changes to your life.”

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11. “Obstacles are minor when faced with your drive and determination. You're stronger than anything that stands in your way!”

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12. “Difficult doesn't mean impossible. You have to push through to get to the breakthrough.”

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13. “Your strength will get you through every obstacle in life.”

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14. “You are capable of overcoming any challenge.”

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15. “When you switch your focus from challenges to action, you can switch your mindset from frustration to determination.”

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16. “Optimism is the fuel that propels you forward, even in the face of adversity.”

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17. “Through the toughest battles, you emerge stronger and wiser.”

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18. “One day, not too far from now, you'll be so glad you kept going.”

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19. “Change requires effort. Amazing change, then, requires amazing effort.”

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20. “You have to see your goals through the fog of adversity. This is how the character is built.”

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21. “Remember, no one has ever achieved anything truly great without going through extreme adversity.”

Lewis Howes

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22. “Every challenge you overcome brings you one step closer to where you want to be.”

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23. “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.”

William Arthur Ward

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24. “Success is based off of your willingness to work your ass off, no matter what obstacles are in your way.”

David Goggins

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25. “Falling down is an accident, staying down is a choice.”

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26. “Let others see you trying. You never know who you're inspiring with your determination.”

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27. “Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow.”

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28. “Your skills, abilities, and talents are so much greater than any adversity. Believe in yourself!”

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29. “Throughout life's challenges, remember this: you are strong, you are safe, and you are loved.”

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30. “Without discipline, your dreams will stay inside your head. Fight to make them a reality.”

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31. “Success looks at adversity as a step to something greater, not a wall to stop progress.”

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32. “On the most challenging days, give yourself credit for showing up and surviving.”

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33. “You are never so alive as when learning something new and overcoming adversity.”

Bruce Dickinson

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34. “I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.”

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35. “Adversity is the first path to truth.”

Lord Byron

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36. “In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.”

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37. “Cry, scream, or yell if you have to, but don't give up on yourself. The best is yet to come.”

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38. “Staying positive does not mean that things will turn out okay. Rather, it is knowing that you will be okay no matter how things turn out.”

Embrace the power of resilience and motivation with these empowering quotes about overcoming adversity. Keep these uplifting words close to heart and face every challenge head-on. For daily reminders and more inspirational quotes, download the Motivation App here.

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