Motivational quotes

Quotes about Cheating for Comfort and Resilience

Loyalty, respect, and trust are essential in relationships. Let these powerful quotes about cheating reminding you of what you deserve from the people you love.

April 17, 2024
5 min

Cheating Quotes to Help You Find Strength

In the journey of love, betrayal can be a painful obstacle to overcome.

This curated selection of cheating quotes serves as a reminder of the significance of loyalty and honesty in relationships.

Whether you're healing from past deception or seeking strength to uphold your values, these powerful words will guide you towards self-respect and the recognition of your worth.

50+ cheating quotes:

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1. “Cheating is the most disrespectful thing one human being can do to another. If you aren't happy in a relationship, end it before starting another one.”

Abhishek Tiwari

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2. “A loyal partner deserves the same.”

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3. “If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once. By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root.”

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4. “Imperfections are forgivable. But cheating isn't an imperfection, it's a conscious decision.”

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5. “Betrayal: when they stab you and then complain that you're bleeding.”

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6. “If they don't love you enough to stay loyal, then they simply don't love you enough.”

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7. “Cheating is never an action. It's a choice. They chose to hurt you, never forget that.”

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8. “I don't ask for much, just loyalty.”

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9. “It's unfair to you to be the only person investing in your relationship. You need someone who returns your love, respect, and loyalty.”

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10. “Saying goodbye to someone who doesn't treat you right opens up your world to the one who will.”

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11. “Deceivers are the most hideous creatures in the world.”

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12. “It's impossible to build a future with someone who already has one foot out the door.”

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13. “Someone who really loves you doesn't have time to cheat. They're too busy filling their day with you and your relationship.”

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14. “When you trusted someone with all your heart, their betrayal cuts so much deeper.”

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15. “The best thing you can do is try to stop thinking about a cheater. They clearly weren't thinking of you.”

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16. “If you've been cheated on, don't let it make you feel like a victim. Live your best life and be the victory.”

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17. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it comes from someone you thought cared.”

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18. “Love is honesty. Love is a mutual respect for one another.”

Simone Elkeles

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19. “Those who cheat on their partners who are loyal to them, don't deserve them.”

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20. “It's hard to get over a betrayal, but you're brave and you've got this.”

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21. “Walking away isn't easy, but remind yourself that every single step is carrying you towards a happier future.”

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22. “It's a waste of time to argue with a liar or a cheater. Save your words for someone who loves you right.”

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23. “Betrayal never comes from strangers. It can only come from someone you once trusted.”

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24. “No matter how badly people treat you, never drop down to their level, just know you're better and walk away.”

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25. “The greatest betrayal is the one you would commit by allowing a disloyal person back into your heart.”

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26. “When love is real, it doesn't lie, cheat, pretend or keep secrets.”

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27. “One day, you'll find the person whose actions match their words, and you'll never settle for a cheater again.”

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28. “A betrayal isn't worth your tears, because they aren't worth your emotions.”

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29. “Everyone suffers betrayal at some point. Your strength lies in your recovery.”

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30. “Never cheat on someone who is good to you.”

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31. “Refuse to shift the blame to yourself. They cheated, period. No matter the reasons they give you, it was their choice. Nothing you did caused it.”

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32. “When someone cheats on you, it says nothing about you and everything about them.”

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33. “Be thankful for betrayal. It's letting you know who has your back versus who had it just long enough to stab you in it.”

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34. “Someone who commits betrayal no longer deserves to be in your life.”

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35. “A cheater is never worth your time, attention, or affection.”

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36. “Once you catch them in a lie, you'll always be looking for the next one. For your own peace of mind, you deserve a relationship you can be confident in.”

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37. “Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people.”

Warren Buffett

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38. “Cheating is one of the most unkind things a person can do. How can you break the heart of someone who loves you?”

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39. “Cheating is nothing to be proud of.”

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40. “There are very few things in life that are unforgivable. Disloyalty is definitely one of them.”

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41. “If you were just an option, they never deserved to be your priority.”

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42. “Every time you're tempted to take them back, remember what they did and stay strong.”

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43. “Respect and loyalty are bare minimums. No relationship is complete without them.”

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44. “The worst part about a relationship with a fake person isn't that they lied to you, it's that you believed it.”

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45. “Remind yourself every day that you deserve better. Eventually, you'll believe it.”

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46. “There is so much beauty in choosing to be loyal and in love with just one person for the rest of your life. You're worth it.”

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47. “Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.”

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48. “Cheaters always want you to be loyal while they're being unfaithful.”

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49. “A relationship without trust isn't real. Trust has to be there, too.”

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50. “In the short run, lying is easy and honesty is hard. In the long run, honesty is easy and lying is hard. What you choose today makes your tomorrow.”

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51. “You deserve someone who's 100% with you. If they're sharing their heart with someone else, they've been disloyal.”

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52. “You deserve to go to sleep at night without worrying about what the person you love is doing.”

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53. “Don't cheat in a relationship. If you are not happy then just leave.”

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54. “Don't cheat! If you're unhappy, just leave.”

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