Motivational quotes

Quotes about Friendship

Discover a collection of empowering quotes about friendship that will inspire you. Dive into the essence of true companionship with these meaningful words.

February 22, 2024
4 min

Exploring Friendship: Empowering Quotes

Friendship is a treasure trove of shared moments and heartfelt connections. In a world where relationships shape our lives, true friends stand out as beacons of support and love. This post delves into the essence of friendship, offering a collection of empowering quotes about friendship that remind us of the beauty of genuine companionship.

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1. “I regret not death. I am going to meet my friends in another world.”

Ludovico Ariosto

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2. “Friendship is wine for your soul, growing better and bolder with age.”

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3. “A true friend stabs you in the front.”

Oscar Wilde

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4. “Your real friends are the ones you can tell anything to, especially the truth.”

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5. “Cultivate friendships with other people who are chasing their dreams, too. Talking with them will leave you energized.”

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6. “Go out and meet new people, you never know what good will come your way.”

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7. “Once you let go of fake friends, you'll have room in your life and in your heart for real ones.”

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8. “I can never think of you as a friend. You can do without a friend.”

Graham Greene

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9. “Talking about it once with a good friend is good for you, talking about it until your ears bleed does not help you at all.”

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10. “Sometimes, we need a break from the people we love. It doesn't mean the love isn't there. It just means you need a bit of time to yourself.”

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11. “Real friends come in through the same door fake friends exit.”

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12. “Before you count your friends, make sure you can count on them. Some friends are only around when they want something from you but are never there when you need something from them.”

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13. “One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention.”

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14. “Friends come into our lives and friends leave our lives. But friends never leave our hearts. And best friends always get to stay in the best places in our hearts.”

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15. “There are some pretty amazing people out there who will appreciate every little thing about you. When you meet them, hold on tight. They are your people.”

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16. “A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.”

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17. “Clarifications create either great communities or great conflicts.”

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18. “Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.”

Washington Irving

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19. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

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20. “Kindness is the invisible string that connects friends even when they're apart.”

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21. “There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart.”

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22. “Build trust slowly. It needs time to mature.”

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23. “A friend who loves your enemy doesn't love you.”

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24. “You can ache for where you come from, and it's homesickness. A relationship, and it's heartbreak. But is there a word for missing your friends like that?”

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25. “I love you. Never question that.”

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26. “A hug from a friend is one that you'll feel all the way to your heart.”

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27. “You'll never lose a real friend.”

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28. “It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.”

E.B. White

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29. “Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship, never.”

Charles Caleb Colton

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30. “Without friends, no one would want to live, even if he had all other goods.”


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31. “Thank goodness, we can choose our friends. We have to take our relatives as they are, and be thankful….”

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32. “Bittersweet? No, just bitter, the taste of your tongue. Words you can't have back, so they linger.”

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33. “One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, and compassion.”

Simone de Beauvoir

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34. “Some people make you want to be a better person, and that, for me, is the purest form of love.”

Charlotte Eriksson

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35. “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

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36. “All the fake friends in the world can't add up to one real one.”

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37. “I didn't lose a friend. I just realized I never had one.”

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38. “I don't want to be your friend, baby. I am your friend.”

Ernest Hemingway

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39. “The luckiest people in the world aren't the ones who can count money; they're the ones who can count their friends.”

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40. “You may control people physically by force, but you won't change their hearts and minds—that requires trust and friendship.”

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41. “Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that's probably the biggest key to success.”

Taylor Lautner

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42. “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.”

Ernest Hemingway

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43. “You never lose friends. Real ones will always stay – no matter what and the fake ones, you don't need them anyways.”

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44. “You owe it to yourself to be surrounded by people who believe in your awesomeness.”

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45. “You don't need 100 good friends. You need 1 great one.”

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46. “Out of all the people in this world, your best friends chose you to love and support. How amazing is that?”

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47. “There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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48. “When you stand up for your beliefs, you'll discover who your real friends are.”

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49. “Good friends won't believe a lie about you. The best friends will correct it with truth.”

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50. “It's not about who is real in your face, it's about who stays loyal behind your back.”

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51. “All friendships have ups and downs. The key is to be friends with people who bring more ups than downs.”

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52. “Every moment with your family and friends is a moment you should be enjoying.”

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53. “It's about "Moments," not Milestones.”

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54. “I won't let you have it. I won't give you this moment. I won't let you fill up this valuable organ...I own it. I won't do it. I can't think, I won't think about it.”

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55. “A real friend helps you unearth the person the Universe designed you to be. They'll bring out your best qualities, sometimes even before you've seen them.”

As you reflect on the profound impact of true friendship, remember to keep these empowering quotes close to your heart. For daily reminders and motivational quotes on friendship and more, download the Motivation App here. Let these words about friendship guide you towards building lasting and meaningful connections.

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