Motivational quotes

Soothing Anxiety Quotes to Bring You Peace

Anxiety can make even the most innocent social anxiety feel overwhelming, but peace is possible! These social anxiety quotes have been chosen to inspire calm, positivity, and resilience.

April 17, 2024
5 min

Exploring Empowering Quotes about Social Anxiety

Do social situations often leave you feeling uneasy or self-conscious?

You're not alone.

Social anxiety, characterized by an overwhelming fear of judgment or humiliation in social settings, can create barriers to meaningful connections and personal fulfillment. Whether it's avoiding social gatherings or feeling anxious during conversations, the impact of social anxiety can be profound.

However, acknowledging and confronting these feelings is essential for growth and healing.

By embracing the support and insight offered by social anxiety quotes, you can begin to challenge negative thought patterns, cultivate self-compassion, and reclaim your confidence in social settings.

Remember, you have the power to transcend your fears and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Anxiety quotes for confidence and calm:

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1. “Take time to breathe, to calm down.”

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2. “The feeling of anxiousness is just a feeling. You have the power to reframe the meaning of your feelings by giving them a more empowering meaning.”

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3. “When you don't want anything from people, they lose their power over you.”


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4. “Listen to soothing music and let it calm your mind and soul.”

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5. “Do not allow the energy of negative people to affect you.”

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6. “There is nothing outside of yourself, look within. Everything you want is there – you are "that".”


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7. “Stop worrying and start enjoying your time.”

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8. “You may not always control the path, but you can control how you approach the journey.”

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9. “Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior. You are simply you, unique and without equal.”

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10. “Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.”

Walter Anderson

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11. “A sure sign of fear is overthinking, which never brings us closer to a solution.”

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12. “Go to bed earlier. Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of anxiety.”

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13. “Use your self-consciousness as a springboard. Let your heightened awareness make you even greater.”

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14. “Relax, you're where you're supposed to be.”

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15. “One day, you will be proud you made it through this.”

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16. “Just wanting to walk into a room and not worry about whether others are watching my every move.”

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17. “You are loved. You are capable. You are not weak.”

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18. “I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion.”

Henry David Thoreau

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19. “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.”

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20. “You have overcome every doubt and fear you've ever faced. You'll get through this one, too. I believe in you!”

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21. “Listen to a guided meditation. It's perfect for beginners, and meditation is an excellent tool for managing anxiety.”

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22. “Try to base your feelings, including anxiety, on facts. This will avoid you making up scenarios in your head that don't exist.”

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23. “Find places to volunteer in your community. Seeing the troubles of others can help put your anxiety into perspective.”

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24. “What others think of you is never important in the long run. Focus on what you think of yourself.”

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25. “You only control your own actions and your own emotions. Only worry about things under your control.”

Justin Kan

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26. “Is anxiety keeping you awake? Keep a journal by your bed to write down any thoughts or ideas, so you can get back to sleep without overthinking them.”

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27. “Schedule your anxiety. Allow yourself 15 minutes to think about your anxieties. After your time is up, put those thoughts away until the next day.”

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28. “If you're nervous, don't be. Because when it's done and it already happened you won't be nervous anymore.”

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29. “The more consistent you are at taking care of yourself the more consistent your results will be.”

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30. “If you're an introvert, you know the relief when plans are canceled.”

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31. “Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are.”

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32. “Begin by holding an image of yourself free of any attachment to the past, imagine how good it will feel.”

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33. “Now is not the time to worry, now is the time to breathe.”

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34. “Don't worry about being cool. Worry about being the best.”

Jeff Van Gundy

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35. “Your imperfections and flaws are the best parts of you, be proud of them.”

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36. “I can fake being social… but why?”

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37. “You can't force raging water to be calm. You have to leave it alone and let it return to its natural flow. Emotions are the same way.”


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38. “Breathe deeply. You can get through this. You are stronger than you realize. Everything will be okay. You got this.”

Karen Salmansohn

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39. “Investigate the reasons you are feeling so much pressure. Spend time with yourself deciding if it is worth your peace of mind.”

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40. “Drink green tea, which has anti-anxiety properties. You might not feel it right away, but over time your anxiety will decrease.”

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41. “Relax, everyone else is nervous, too.”

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42. “Limit your caffeine intake. Caffeine stimulates your "fight or flight" response, which can increase your anxiety levels.”

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43. “Be open about your anxiety. Trying to hide it can make it even more stressful.”

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44. “Don't let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of its worries.”

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45. “A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.”

John Lubbock

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46. “Ask for support when you need it. Family and friends can be a huge help.”

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47. “Anxiety is practicing failure in advance. Anxiety is needless and imaginary. It's fear about fear, fear that means nothing.”

Seth Godin

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48. “Don't wait for a time when you're free of fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Gabby Bernstein

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49. “Being exactly who you are will attract the people who are exactly right for you.”

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50. “Being fearless isn't what makes you brave. You are brave because you face your fears and continue moving forward in spite of them.”

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51. “If you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.”

Jim Carrey

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52. “When we are at peace with ourselves, others will feel peace in our company.”

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53. “Feeling anxious in social situations is the result of letting others be the judge of your self-worth.”

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54. “Just believe in yourself. Even if you don't, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.”

Venus Williams

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55. “When you are faced with an obstacle, remember to breathe. Always, one breath at a time.”

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56. “Celebrate the fact that you feel different, few notable people fit the status quo.”

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57. “You are stronger than you think. You have gotten through every bad day in your life, and you are undefeated.”

Embrace the power of quotes about social anxiety and to navigate through life with increased confidence and ease.

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