Motivational quotes

Tips to be Happy: 50+ quotes

Explore a series of joyful tips to be happy. Gain inspiration and motivation to make your well-being a top priority by reading these quotes

March 4, 2024
4 min

Inspiring Tips to be Happy: Motivational Quotes

In the journey of life, finding happiness is key. These empowering quotes about tips to be happy serve as gentle reminders to prioritize your well-being and embrace positivity. Whether it's seizing opportunities, seeking new experiences, or setting healthy boundaries, these quotes offer valuable insights to help you navigate life with joy and fulfillment.

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1. “Life goes by fast; seize every opportunity to be happy and every chance to love.”

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2. “Watch the sunrise or sunset. Remember that no matter how difficult things get, the sun will rise again tomorrow.”

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3. “Don't just end the chapter. Close the whole book, and start a new one. Write the ending you want for yourself!”

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4. “Seek out new experiences. Get out of your usual routine as a distraction from anything disrupting your happiness. You'll be so enthralled that you'll forget what was bothering you.”

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5. “There is no greater gift you can give the Universe than to enjoy the life it's given you.”

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6. “Stop worrying about what others think of you. Their opinions don't pay your bills.”

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7. “Learn to treasure memories without the need to make more.”

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8. “Peace is more than a state of mind, it's a practice.”

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9. “Some people thrive on drama, but you don't have to join in it.”

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10. “Life, love, and happiness are all to be found in the same place: family.”

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11. “Trying to control every moment of your day will only lead to frustration. Switch your focus to what you can control: making the most of your moments and your life.”

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12. “You're absolutely wonderful. Embrace and honor yourself.”

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13. “Radiate positivity. Those who can handle your shine will stay in your life.”

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14. “Be thankful for the rainbow instead of being upset at the rain.”

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15. “Dating should feel like an adventure, in the best of ways.”

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16. “Spend time with pets; their unconditional love is heartwarming.”

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17. “Your mental, emotional, and physical health is your greatest asset and most valuable treasure. Nurture it.”

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18. “Narcissists try to make you feel small. Stay big!”

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19. “Trust the journey; happiness is a lifelong pursuit.”

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20. “Find beauty in the world around you, even in the ordinary.”

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21. “Take the time to truly get to know yourself. You just might fall in love with the person you meet.”

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22. “If you want a full life, don't just live the length of it. Live the breadth and width of it, too.”

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23. “Just because it wasn't your fault doesn't mean you can't help fix it.”

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24. “Your love for yourself is as essential to your well-being as the air you breathe.”

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25. “Hate may be aimed at you, but it usually isn't about you.”

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26. “Success isn't the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.”

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27. “Some of the best parts of you are the parts of you that you get from your family.”

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28. “Your life is a canvas; you are its creator. Paint it with a brush dipped in happiness.”

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29. “Don't let memories cloud your reality. It's okay to remember the good times, as long as you also remember the valid reasons why you broke up.”

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30. “Balancing life can be easy as long as you remove negative people, negative situations, and negative energy.”

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31. “When you learn to value your imperfections as much as you value your perfections, you'll be better able to admire and respect who you are as a person.”

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32. “The more roommates you have, the more difficult it gets to decide who's responsible in certain situations ("Who left the window open?").”

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33. “Let your feelings flow. Somedays are happy days, some are sad days. Both are valid.”

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34. “The sweetest success is the one you can share with your loved ones.”

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35. “Lean into the pain. This may seem counterintuitive, but a lot of our struggle comes from the resistance we use to avoid being uncomfortable.”

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36. “Declutter your space; an organized environment promotes peace.”

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37. “Let go of everything that brings you conflict; hold on to everything that brings you peace.”

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38. “Cheer for yourself so loudly that you'll drown out the naysayers, critics, and cynics.”

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39. “The more you smile, the more the Universe smiles back.”

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40. “It's okay to be upset with yourself, frustrated with yourself, or even angry with yourself, as long as there's always a layer of love underneath.”

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41. “Never stop learning. Whether you're learning a new skill at work, picking up a new hobby, or taking an interesting class or workshop, learning flexes your brain power and leads to happiness.”

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42. “Love yourself so much that others learn to love themselves, too.”

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43. “Your mood is what you make it, so make it great today.”

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44. “Follow your passions. Your heart deserves it!”

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45. “It's time to let go of what you thought the future would look like, and time to get excited for the amazing new possibilities before you.”

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46. “Set clear intentions for your day and week.”

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47. “Just like self-care, self-love is a necessity, not a luxury.”

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48. “Always love yourself enough to set healthy boundaries.”

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49. “Respect yourself too much to ever settle for less than what you deserve and expect.”

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50. “Identify with your most positive qualities. You are not your traumas or weaknesses, you are so much more!”

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51. “Don't let rumors spread about you get you down. You know the truth and so does everyone who loves you.”

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52. “Step away from situations that make you value your worth.”

Embrace these empowering quotes about tips to be happy and let them guide you towards a more fulfilling life. For daily inspiration and motivational reminders, download the Motivation App here and keep the positivity flowing in your life.

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