Motivational quotes

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Healing and Moving On

Take the next step in your healing process. These carefully selected toxic relationship quotes give you encouragement and strength to release toxic connections and move towards a life filled with positivity and joy.

March 14, 2024
5 min

Break Free: Empowering Toxic Relationship Quotes

Whether it’s because of a romantic partner, family member, or “frenemy,” toxic ties can sap your energy and dim your spirit.

And even when you know, deep down, that releasing these connections is necessary to protect your mental health, moving on can feel daunting.

But there’s a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of these draining connections, a collection of toxic relationship quotes that offer strength, compassion, and support.

Whether you’re seeking comfort in the aftermath of a toxic bond or still gathering the courage to break free, these empowering quotes can help you move forward and begin a journey marked by peace, love, and healing.  

Toxic relationship quotes to help you let go:

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1. “You know the truth, so ignore the lies you hear from a narcissist.”

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2. “Why would you want to waste a single minute of your precious life with the wrong person?”

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3. “Sometimes you just have to walk away to avoid even more hurt.”

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4. “Be valuable not available.”

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5. “Self-respect means you're comfortable saying no. Setting boundaries is healthy.”

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6. “If they can't love you for exactly how you are, let them go and make room for someone better.”

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7. “Negative people are only happy when they bring you down to their level.”

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8. “You can't fix someone who doesn't know they are broken.”

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9. “Once you learn how to live on your own, you can choose to be with someone instead of needing to be with them. ”

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10. “They're not bullying you because of you, they're bullying you because of how they are.”

Jessie J

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11. “You're not a chocolate chip cookie. You can't please everyone.”

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12. “Choose your heart over a narcissist.”

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13. “A true narcissist will do everything they can to control you. Take control of your own life and you take away their power.”

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14. “Just like oil and water, you and your ex weren't meant to mix.”

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15. “Family, friend, or lover: never give anyone the opportunity to betray you twice.”

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16. “So many people suffer from abuse, and suffer alone.”

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17. “Don't live off of someone else's script. Write your own.”

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18. “Healing takes time. Be patient with your body, mind, and soul.”

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19. “Some people are meant to show you what you don't want in a relationship.”

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20. “The most real people don't have a lot of friends.”

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21. “You deserve someone who chooses you, too.”

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22. “The moment that you start to wonder if you deserve better, you do.”

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23. “Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”

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24. “Never expect loyalty from a person that can't give you honesty.”

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25. “You don't deserve someone who comes back, you deserve someone who never leaves.”

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26. “If they don't love you enough to stay loyal, then they simply don't love you enough.”

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27. “Letting go is a process. Try to focus on moving forward and creating a new story for yourself.”

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28. “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.”

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29. “Never let a temporary person leave a permanent scar.”

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30. “Keep going, even after they tried to ruin you.”

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31. “The best defence is to keep off the radar of negative people.”

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32. “Once you knock a narcissist off their pedestal, you'll realize just how small they actually are.”

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33. “By choosing your own life, you can defeat the draw of a narcissist.”

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34. “Keep the people that constantly worry at a distance, you cannot let others take your momentum.”

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35. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

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36. “So many people love you effortlessly. Do not waste your time on the ones who make you work for it.”

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37. “Learn from your past, but don't be controlled by it.”

Mel Robbins

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38. “Smile and wave at your haters; it drives them crazy.”

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39. “Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.”

Oscar Wilde

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40. “Why would you hold on to the things that keep you from being yourself? ”

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41. “It hurts when you have to let someone go. But it hurts even more trying to hold on to someone that doesn't want to stay.”

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42. “Nothing you do will ever be enough for a narcissist.”

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43. “Don't be afraid of losing someone who is willing to lose you.”

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44. “When family stops acting like it, you can find a new family, one that is real and true.”

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45. “When love is real, it doesn't lie, cheat, pretend or keep secrets.”

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46. “Stop giving them more chances to hurt you. Don't be mad at someone for cutting you with the knife you put in their hand.”

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47. “Don't let people know too much about you.”

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48. “People fall apart to make room for better people.”

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49. “Betrayal comes in many forms: actions, words, and choices. Refuse to accept it in any shape, because you're worth more.”

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50. “The biggest way to solve some problems is to cut people out of your life. You can always let them back in when the time is right.”

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51. “Not every family member belongs in your garden. One of the kindest things you can do for yourself is to weed out harmful people.”

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52. “Don't hold to anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.”

Leo Buscaglia

Take control of your life and break free from harmful ties with the help of toxic relationship quotes!

Download the Motivation app now and start your journey towards self-love and empowerment.

Remember, you deserve healthy and fulfilling relationships. Stay strong and prioritize your well-being!

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