Motivational quotes

20+ Weekend Quotes: Inspiration and Relaxation

Make the most of your Saturdays and Sundays! These weekend quotes will encourage you to embrace rest, relaxation, and fun.

June 10, 2024
2 min

Enjoy Your Days Off: Weekend Quotes

In a world filled with hustle and bustle, the weekend offers a reprieve, a chance to savor the moments that truly matter. Weekends are your time to unwind, recharge, and indulge in activities that bring joy and relaxation.  

Let these inspiring weekend quotes remind you of the importance of self-care and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

20+ inspiring weekend quotes:

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1. “Dear Saturday, what is it like knowing every other day of the week wishes it was you?”

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2. “Saturday night's alright for fighting, get a little action in.”

Elton John

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3. “Dear Saturday, I love you.”

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4. “Happy weekend! Life is short, grab a friend, and do whatever excites your spirit.”

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5. “The weekend is a time for nos – no alarm clock, no rushing, no urgent phone calls, no working nights!”

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6. “Sleeping in on a Saturday always feels like a little bit of heaven.”

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7. “Sunday is an excellent chance to start living your life to the fullest, do what you want, and forget about consequences.”

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8. “Happiness is a hot bath on a Sunday afternoon.”

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9. “Your body constantly tells you what it needs, and if you wake up early on a Saturday morning, it is because the world is calling you to do something fun.”

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10. “Happy Sunday. Whatever you've got planned, enjoy. Wishing you a restful, peaceful, beautiful day.”

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11. “The only happy end that I know: it's the weekend!”

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12. “Oversleep this weekend.”

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13. “A productive Sunday is the Sunday when you felt and learned something new.”

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14. “Oh, blessed Sunday, how I long to embrace your quietude, your calmness, and your command to rest.”

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15. “Saturday night is perfect for writers because other people have plans.”

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16. “Weekends are when you truly feel alive.”

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17. “On Sundays, we do nothing.”

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18. “Sunday is the day when I prepare for the week ahead by making improbable to-do lists and browsing Pinterest for ideas on how to decorate my imaginary mansion.”

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19. “Have a nice weekend! Remember that a few hours on the beach can fix everything, so take a cocktail and forget about everything.”

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20. “No! I don't want the weekend to be over.”

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21. “Hands up if you're ready to do something you'll regret this weekend. Go forth! You have my blessing.”

Florence Welch

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22. “I'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment.”

Audrey Hepburn

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23. “Forget the things that made you sad and remember those that made you glad. Happy Weekend.”

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24. “I believe that it should be a mandatory law of the universe for everyone to do something fun on Saturdays.”

As you embrace the beauty of days off and seek inspiration from empowering weekend quotes, remember to keep the right thoughts top of mind every day. For more motivational reminders and positive quotes, download the Motivation App here. Stay uplifted and empowered throughout the week!

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